The Love Parade

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The Love Parade ★★½ 1929

Lubitsch's first sound film takes place in Sylvania, one of those mythic, musical, mitt-European countries with a royal ruler. In this case, it's unmarried and lonely Queen Louise (MacDonald in her film debut). Recalling her randy ambassador, Count Alfred Renard (Chevalier), from Paris for his indiscretions, Louise is nonetheless entranced by his charms and they quickly marry. But Count Alfred soon discovers that being a royal consort is not to his liking. 107m/B DVD . Jeanette MacDonald, Maurice Chevalier, Lupino Lane, Lillian Roth, Edgar Norton, Lionel Belmore, Eugene Pallette, E.H. Calvert; D: Ernst Lubitsch; W: Ernest Vajda, Guy Bolton; C: Victor Milner; M: Victor Schertzinger.

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