Lover Girl

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Lover Girl ★★ 1997 (R)

When teenager Jake Ferrari (Subkoff) is abandoned by her mother, she decides to track down long-gone sister, Darlene (Swanson). But when Darlene doesn't want her either, Jake is at a loss until she's reluctantly befriended by Marci (Bernhard), manager of a massage parlor. Underage Jake even badgers tough Marci into giving her a job, although the film is skittish about just how far Jake goes with her clients. Still, given the sleazy and potentially exploitative premise, the film is surprizing cheerful and light. 87m/C VHS . Tara Subkoff, Sandra Bernhard, Kristy Swanson, Loretta Devine, Renee Humphrey, Susan Barnes, Sahara Lotti, Tim Griffin; D: Lisa Addario, Joe Syracuse; W: Lisa Addario, Joe Syracuse; C: Dean Lent; M: Mark Killian.

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