Marquis, Alice Goldfarb
MARQUIS, Alice Goldfarb
MARQUIS, Alice Goldfarb. American (born Germany), b. 1930. Genres: Art/Art history, History, Biography. Career: Pacifica California Tribune, copublisher, 1954-59; Star-News, Chula Vista, CA, co-publisher, 1961-72; University of California, San Diego, instructor in history, 1978-81; historian, writer and researcher, 1981-. Publications: Marcel Duchamp: Eros, C'est la vie, 1981; Hopes and Ashes: The Birth of Modern Times, 1987; Alfred H. Barr, Jr.: Missionary for the Modern, 1989; The Art Biz: The Covert World of Collectors, Dealers, Auction Houses, Museums, and Critics, 1991; Art Lessons: Learning from the Rise and Fall of Public Arts Funding, 1995; Marcel Duchamp: The Bachelor Stripped Bare, 2002. Contributor to history journals and other periodicals. Address: 8963 Caminito Fresco, La Jolla, CA 92037, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]