Martinez, Orlando
MARTINEZ, Orlando. American, b. 1924. Genres: History. Career: United Nations, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, economist, 1952-54; University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, lecturer in Latin American history, 1955-59; British Broadcasting Corporation, Latin American correspondent, 1959-62; University of Amsterdam, Lecturer in Latin American History; writer. Economist with the Copenhagen firms of Gutenburghus and Scharling & Broestrom, and the London firm of Coleman, Prentice & Varley. Publications: The Common Market, 1960; Essays in Latin American History, 1970; The Great Landgrab: The Mexican-American War, 1975; Mexico: A History, 1977; The Panama Canal, 1978. Contributor to magazines and newspapers in Europe and the United States. Address: Virgen de la Bonanova, 32 Genova, NW5 4NS Palma de Mallorca, Spain.