Metzger, Bruce M(anning)
METZGER, Bruce M(anning)
METZGER, Bruce M(anning). American, b. 1914. Genres: Theology/ Religion, Autobiography/Memoirs, Bibliography. Career: George L. Collord Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ, 1984- (Teaching Fellow, 1938-40; Instructor in New Testament, 1940-44; Assistant Professor, 1944-48; Associate Professor, 1948-54; Professor, 1954-64; Collord Professor, 1964-84). Member, 1952-, and Chairman, 1976-, Standard Bible Committees. Publications: The Saturday and Sunday Lessons from Luke in the Greek Gospel Lectionary, 1944; Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek, 1946; A Guide to the Preparation of a Thesis, 1950; (with E.E. Flack) The Text, Canon, and Principal Versions of the Bible, 1956; An Introduction to the Apocrypha, 1957; The Text of the New Testament, Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, 1964, 3rd ed., 1993; The New Testament, Its Background, Growth, and Content, 1965, 2nd ed., 1983; Historical and Literary Studies: Pagan, Jewish, and Christian, 1968; A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, 1971, 3rd ed., 1994; The Early Versions of the New Testament, 1977; New Testament Studies, 1980; Manuscripts of the Greek Bible, 1981; The Canon of the New Testament, 1987; (with R.C. Dentan and W. Harrelson) The Making of the New Revised Standard Version Bible, 1991; Breaking the Code: Understanding the Book of Revelation, 1993; Reminiscences of an Octogenarian, 1997; The Bible in TranslationAncient and English Versions, 2001. COMPILER: Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church Published in Festschriften, 1951, supplement 1955; Annotated Bibliography of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, 1955; Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul, 1960;Lists of Words Occurring Frequently in the Coptic New Testament, 1961; (with I.M. Metzger) The Oxford Concise Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible, 1962; Index to Periodical Literature on Christ and the Gospels, 1966. EDITOR: New Testament Tools and Studies, vols. 1-30, 1960-2000; (with H.G. May) The Oxford Annotated Bible, 1962; The Oxford Annotated Apocrypha, 1965; (with K. Aland, M. Black, and A. Wikgren) The Greek New Testament, 1966, 4th ed., 1993; (with H.G. May) The New Oxford Annotated Bible, 1973; (gen.) The Reader's Digest Condensed Bible, 1982; (with R. Murphy) The New Oxford Annotated Bible, with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, 1991; (with M.D. Coogan) The Oxford Companion to the Bible, 1993. Address: 20 Cleveland Ln, Princeton, NJ 08540-3050, U.S.A.