Mr. Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Alan Freed Story

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Mr. Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Alan Freed Story ★★½ 1999

In the early 1950s, Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed (Nelson) decides to play the newfangled rock ‘n' roll on his station, where it becomes an immediate hit and an immediate controversy. Freed's success takes him to New York and further celebrity but career missteps lead to the payola scandal and his eventual disgrace. Original recordings are used and they turn out to be the most exciting thing about this TV movie. Based on the book by John A. Jackson. 91m/C VHS . Judd Nelson, Madchen Amick, Leon, Paula Abdul; Cameos: Bobby Rydell, Fabian; D: Andy Wolk; W: Matt Dorff; C: Derick Underschultz. TV

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