Nielsen, Niels Christian, Jr.
NIELSEN, Niels Christian, Jr.
NIELSEN, Niels Christian, Jr. American, b. 1921. Genres: Theology/ Religion. Career: Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religious Thought, Rice University, Houston (joined faculty, 1951). Ordained Elder, Methodist Church. Instructor in Religion, Yale College, New Haven, Conn., 1948-51. Publications: Philosophy and Religion in Post-War Japan, 1957; (co-trans.) Geistige Landerkunde, USA, 1960; A Layman Looks at World Religions, 1962; God in Education, 1966; Solzhenitsyn's Religion, 1975; The Religion of President Carter, 1977; The Crisis of Human Rights, 1978; (ed.) Religions of the World, 1983; Revolutions in Eastern Europe, The Religious Roots, 1991; Fundamentalism, Mythos and World Religions, 1993; (ed.) Christianity after Communism: Social, Political, and Cultural Struggle in Russia, 1994. Address: Dept. of Religious Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]