Nugent, (Donald) Christopher

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NUGENT, (Donald) Christopher

NUGENT, (Donald) Christopher. American, b. 1930. Genres: History, Theology/Religion. Career: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, instructor in history, 1961-62; University of Nebraska, Lincoln, assistant professor of history, 1964-66; University of Kentucky, Lexington, associate professor of history, 1966-95; writer. National University of Ireland, University College, Dublin, visiting lecturer, 1972-73; Ecumenical Institute of Theology (Jerusalem), resident fellow, fall, 1979. Publications: Ecumenism in the Age of the Reformation, 1974; The Demonic in History, 1983; The Mystery of St. Augustine: A (Kind of) Passion Play; Mysticism, Death and Dying, 1994. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Department of History, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, U.S.A.

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