Osmond, Jonathan

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OSMOND, Jonathan

OSMOND, Jonathan. British, b. 1953. Genres: Art/Art history, History. Career: Theodor Heuss research fellow, Institute of Bavarian History, Munich, 1977-78; University of Leicester, England, lecturer in history, 1979-93; Humboldt University, Berlin, Humboldt research fellow, 1993; Central European University, Budapest, visiting professor, 1993; Cardiff University, professor of modern European history, 1994-. Publications: German Reunification: A Reference Guide and Commentary, 1992; Rural Protest in the Weimar Republic, 1993; (with P. Major) The Workers' and Peasants' State, 2002. Address: Cardiff School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University, PO Box 909, Cardiff CF10 3XU, Wales. Online address: [email protected]

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