Ostrowski, Jan K.
OSTROWSKI, Jan K. Polish, b. 1947. Genres: History. Career: Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, assistant professor, 1973-83, associate professor, 1983-91, professor of art history, 1991-; writer. Director of Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow, 1989-. Publications: IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Wawel: Castle and Cathedral, trans. by J. Piatkowska, 1996; (with others) Land of the Winged Horseman: Art in Poland, 1572-1764 (catalog), trans. by K. Malcharek, 1999. OTHER: Anton Van Dyck et la peinture genoise du XVIIe siecle: Aux Sources du baroque dans un milieu artistique italien, 1981; Piotr Michalowski, 1985; Piec Studiow o Piotrze Michalowskim (title means: Five Studies on Piotr Michalowski), 1988; Krakow, 1989; Die Polnische Malerei vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn der Moderne, 1991; Mistrzowie Malarstwa Polskiego (title means: Masters of Polish Painting), 1996; Lwow: Dzieje i Sztuka (title means; Lvov: History and Art), 1997; Kresy Bliskie i Dalekie (title means: Eastern Borderland-Close and Distant), 1998. Address: Wawel Royal Castle, Wawel 5, 31-001 Cracow, Poland.