The Other Side of Sunday

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The Other Side of Sunday ★★ Sondagsengler 1996

A small town in 1959 Norway is the setting for this coming of age comedy. Maria (Thiesen) is the eldest daughter of conservative priest Johannes (Sundquist). Fun doesn't seem to be part of their religion but puberty is hitting Maria hard and she longs to join in with the livelier crowd of her school friend Brigit (Salvesen), who listens to rock ‘n' roll, wears makeup, and makes out with boys. Maria does find a compassionate listener in Mrs. Tunheim (Riise), who urges the teenager to learn how to think for herself. Based on the novel “Sunday” by Reidun Nortvedt. Norwegian with subtitles. 103m/C VHS, DVD . NO Marie Theisen, Bjorn Sundquist, Hildegunn Riise, Sylvia Salvesen; D: Berit Nesheim; W: Berit Nesheim, Lasse Glomm; C: Arne Borsheim; M: Geir Bohren, Bent Aserud.

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