Papineau, David

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PAPINEAU, David. British (born Italy), b. 1947. Genres: Philosophy. Career: University of Reading, England, lecturer in sociology, 1974-77; Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia, lecturer in philosophy, 1977- 79; University of London, Birkbeck College, England, lecturer in philosophy, 1979-80; Cambridge University, England, lecturer in philosophy of science, 1981-90; King's College, London, England, professor of philosophy, 1990-. Publications: For Science in the Social Sciences, 1978; Theory and Meaning, 1979; Reality and Representation, 1987; Philosophical Naturalism, 1993; The Philosophy of Science, 1996; Thinking about Consciousness, 2002; The Roots of Reason, 2003. Address: Department of Philosophy, King's College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, England. Online address: [email protected]

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