Payne, Neil F.
PAYNE, Neil F.
PAYNE, Neil F. American, b. 1939. Genres: Environmental sciences/ Ecology, Natural history. Career: U.S. Marine Corps (Vietnam), captain, 1964-67; Newfoundland Wildlife Division, St. Johns, Newfoundland, furbearer biologist, 1967-71; University of Washington, Seattle, research assistant professor, 1973-75; University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, professor, 1975-98, professor emeritus of wildlife, 1998-. Publications: (with J.E. Johnson, P.E. Pope, and G.D. Mroz) Environmental Impacts of Harvesting Wood for Energy, 1987; (with F. Copes) Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat Improvement Handbook, 1988; (with F.C. Bryant) Wildlife Habitat Management of Forestlands, Rangelands, and Farmlands, 1998; Wildlife Habitat Management of Wetlands, 1998; More Wildlife on Your Land: A Guide for Private Landowners, 2002; (with R.D. Taber) Wildlife, Conservation, and Human Welfare: A United States and Canadian Perspective, 2003. Contributor to periodicals. Address: College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI 54481, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]