The Perfect Daughter

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The Perfect Daughter ★★½ 1996 (PG-13)

A near-fatal hit-and-run accident reintroduces Alexandra Michelson (Gold) to her family—mother, Jill (Armstrong), father, Tom (Joy), and younger brother, Josh (Shulman). They'd cut the ties to the troubled drug abuser and runaway but the accident has erased Alexandra's memory of her recent life. Unfortunately for them all, Alex's sordid and dangerous past will leave neither her nor her family alone. 90m/C VHS . Tracey Gold, Bess Armstrong, Mark Joy, Michael Shulman, Harold P. Pruett, Jay Edward Anthony, Brian Gamble; D: Harry S. Longstreet; W: Sean Silas; C: Stephen Lighthill; M: Don Davis. CABLE

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