Peterson, Tracie
PETERSON, Tracie. Also writes as Janelle Jamison. American. Genres: Westerns/Adventure. Career: Writer, editor, and speaker. Kansas Christian (newspaper) columnist. Publications: RIBBONS OF STEEL SERIES (with J. Pella): Distant Dreams, 1996; A Hope Beyond, 1997; A Promise for Tomorrow, 1998. RIBBONS WEST SERIES (with J. Pella): Westward the Dream, 1998; Separate Roads, 1999; Ties That Bind, 2000. SHANNON SAGA SERIES (with J.S. Bell): City of Angels, 2001; Angels Flight, 2001; Angel of Mercy, 2002. WESTWARD CHRONICLES SERIES: A Shelter of Hope, 1998; Hidden in a Whisper, 1999; A Veiled Reflection, 2000. YUKON QUEST SERIES: Treasures of the North, 2001; Ashes and Ice, 2001; Rivers of Gold, 2002. NOVELS: Entangled, 1997; Controlling Interests, 1998; Framed, 1998; A Slender Thread, 2000; The Long-Awaited Child, 2001; Eyes of the Heart, 2002. HEARTSONG PRESENTS SERIES: A Place to Belong, 1992; Perfect Love, 1993; Tender Journeys, 1993; (as Janelle Jamison) A Light in the Window, 1993; (as Janelle Jamison) The Willing Heart, 1993; Destiny's Road, 1993; (as Janelle Jamison) Beyond Today, 1994; Iditarod Dream, 1994; If Given a Chance, 1994; Kingdom Divided, 1994; The Heart's Calling, 1994; Forever Yours, 1994; Angel's Cause, 1995; Alas, My Love, 1995; Come Away, My Love, 1996; If Only, 1996; My Valentine, 1996; Wings like Eagles, 1996; A Wing and a Prayer, 1996; Crossroads, 1997; Five Geese Flying, 1997; Logan's Lady, 1997; Wings of the Dawn, 1997; The House on Windridge, 1998; Stormy Weather, 1999. ANTHOLOGIES: (with others) Christmas Treasures, 1996; (with others) An Old-Fashioned Christmas, 1997; (with others) Summer Dreams, 1997; Alaska, 1998; (with others) Season of Love, 1998; (with others) Spring's Promise, 1999; Colorado Wings, 2000; New Mexico Sunrise, 2001; New Mexico Sunset, 2001; Tidings of Peace, 2001; (with J.M. Miller) Kansas, 2001. Address: c/o Bethany House Publishers, 6820 Auto Club Road Suite M, Minneapolis, MN 55438, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]