Poultney, David

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POULTNEY, David. American, b. 1939. Genres: Music. Career: University of Missouri-Columbia, visiting assistant professor, winter, 1965; University of Iowa, Iowa City, visiting assistant professor, summer, 1967; Texas Technological College (now Texas Tech University), Lubbock, assistant professor of music and chairperson of Music History and Literature Division, 1967-68; Illinois State University, Normal, assistant professor, 1968-72, associate professor, 1973-76, professor of musicology, 1977-. Harpsichordist and church organist. Publications: Studying Music History: Learning, Reasoning, and Writing about Music History and Literature, Prentice-Hall, 1983; Dictionary of Western Church Music, American Library Association, 1991. Contributor to scholarly periodicals. Editor of performing edition for Alessandro Scarlatti's La Vergine addolorata, 1971. Address: Department of Music, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761, U.S.A.

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