Press, O(tto) Charles
PRESS, O(tto) Charles
PRESS, O(tto) Charles. American, b. 1922. Genres: Public/Social administration, Urban studies, Politics/Government, Biography. Career: Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1965-91 (Assistant Professor, 1958-62; Associate Professor, 1962-65; Chairman of Political Science Dept., 1966-73). Member of staff, Institute of Community Development, Michigan State University Faculty member, North Dakota Agricultural College, 1954-56; Director, Grand Rapids Metropolitan Area Study, 1956-57; faculty member, University of Wisconsin, 1957-58. Publications: When One Third of a City Moves to the Suburbs; A Report on the Grand Rapids Metropolitan Area, 1959; (with C. Adrian) Convention Report, 1962; Main Street Politics; (with C.R. Adrian) The American Political Process, 1965; (with C.R. Adrian) Governing Urban America, 5th ed. 1977; (with C. Adrian) American Politics Reapprais, 1974; (with K. VerBurg) State and Community Governments in a Feral System, 1979, 3rd ed, 1991; (with K. VerBurg) American Policy Studies, 1981; The Political Cartoon, 1981; (with K. VerBurg) Politicians and Journalists, 1988. EDITOR: (with O.P. Williams) Democracy in Urban America, 1964; (with A. Arian) Empathy and Ideology, 1966; (with O.P. Williams) Democracy in the Fifty States, 1966, 1968. Address: Dept. of Political Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A.