Prince, Hugh
PRINCE, Hugh. British, b. 1927. Genres: Geography, Local history/Rural topics. Career: University of London, London, England, faculty member, 1951-65, reader in geography, 1965-92, emeritus reader and honorary research fellow, 1992-. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, visiting professor, 1966, 1968, and 1990; Clark University, visiting professor, 1971; University of Wuerzburg, fellow, 1978. Landscape Research Group, member of board of directors, 1985-. Publications: (with J.T. Coppock) Greater London, 1964; Parks in England, 1967; (with R.J.P. Kain) The Tithe Surveys of England and Wales, 1985; Wetlands of the American Midwest, 1997; (with R. Kain) Tithe Surveys for Historians, 2000. Address: Department of Geography, University College, University of London, 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP, England.