Quester, George (Herman)

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QUESTER, George (Herman)

QUESTER, George (Herman). American, b. 1936. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: Chairman, Dept. of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park, 1982-. Instructor in Government and Assistant Professor of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass, 1967-70; Associate Professor, 1970-73, and Professor of Government, 1973-82, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Publications: Deterrence Before Hiroshima, 1966; Nuclear Diplomacy, 1970; The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation, 1973; The Continuing Problem of International Politics, 1974; Offense and Defense in the International System, 1977; American Foreign Policy: The Lost Consensus, 1982; The Future of Nuclear Deterrence, 1986; The International Politics of Television, 1990; Nuclear Monopoly, 2000. Address: 5124 N 37th St, Arlington, VA 22207, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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