Raleigh, Michael

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RALEIGH, Michael

RALEIGH, Michael. American, b. 1947. Genres: Novels, Mystery/Crime/ Suspense. Career: Truman Community College, Chicago, IL, instructor in English, 1980-; part-time English teacher at De Paul University and Roosevelt University. Worked as a bank teller, librarian, clerk, microfiche camera operator, charity fund raiser, bartender, and program manager. Publications: "PAUL WHELAN" MYSTERIES: Death in Uptown, 1991; A Body in Belmont Harbor, 1993; The Maxwell Street Blues, 1994; A Killer on Argyle Street, 1995; The Riverview Murders, 1997. Contributor of poems and stories to magazines. Address: c/o Jane Browne, Multimedia Product Development, Inc, 410 S Michigan Ave Ste 724, Chicago, IL 60605, U.S.A.

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