Raudkivi, A(rved) J(aan)

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RAUDKIVI, A(rved) J(aan)

RAUDKIVI, A(rved) J(aan). New Zealander (born Estonia), b. 1920. Genres: Engineering, Environmental sciences/Ecology, Marine sciences/ Oceanography. Career: With New Zealand Ministry of Works, 1950-55; University of Auckland, lecturer, sr. lecturer, and assoc professor, 1956-69, professor, 1970-86, professor emeritus of civil engineering, 1986-; civil engineering consultant, 1986-; Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore, visiting professor, 1987; coordinator of coastal engineering research for SchleswigHolstein, Germany, 1988-94; Joint European Marine Science and Technology Program, scientific adviser, 1995-2000. Publications: Loose Boundary Hydraulics, 1967, 4th ed., 1998; (with R.A. Callander) Introduction to Advanced Fluid Mechanics, 1975; (with R.A. Callander) Analysis of Groundwater Flow, 1976; Hydrology, 1979; Grundlagen des Sedimenttransports, 1982; (with H.N.C. Breusers) Scouring, 1991; Sedimentation: Exclusion and Removal of Sediment from Diverted Water, 1993. Over 100 scientific papers. Address: 7 Coates Rd, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. Online address: [email protected]

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