Ready to Rumble

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Ready to Rumble ★ 2000 (PG-13)

Sanitation workers and best buds Gordie (Arquette) and Sean (Caan) decide to mastermind the comeback of their favorite wrestler, Jimmy “the King” King (Platt). The reason he needs a comeback is that promoter Titus Sinclair (Pantaliano) has decided that he's outlasted his usefulness. Sort of like this movie. Arquette and wrestling are annoying enough individually, but put 'em together and it's almost painful to watch. The two buddies make Bill and Ted look like Rhodes scholars, and it's not like there's any point to further parodying the “sport” of wrestling. Hopefully, this was a worth a few mortgage payments to supporting players Platt, Landau, and Pantaliano. 100m/C VHS, DVD . David Arquette, Scott Caan, Oliver Platt, Rose McGowan, Joe Pantoliano, Martin Landau, Richard Lineback, Chris Owen, Kathleen Freeman, Lewis Arquette, Diamond Dallas Page; D: Brian Robbins; W: Steven Brill; C: Clark Mathis; M: George S. Clinton.

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