Roy, Donald H.
ROY, Donald H.
ROY, Donald H. American, b. 1944. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, Intellectual history, Politics/Government, Race relations. Career: Carroll College, Helena, MT, assistant professor of political science, 1978-82; Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, TX, director of research, 1984-87; Jefferson Community College, Louisville, KY, assistant professor of political science, 1987-89; Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, associate professor of political science, 1989-. Publications: Dialogues in American Politics, 1993; Public Policy Dialogues, 1994; The Reuniting of America: Eleven Multicultural Dialogues, 1996; The Dialogic Resurgence of Public Intellectuals, 2001. Address: Department of Social Sciences, Ferris State University, 820 Campus Dr, Big Rapids, MI 49307, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]