Rumer, Boris
RUMER, Boris
RUMER, Boris. American (born Russia). Genres: Economics, International relations/Current affairs. Career: National Institute of the Construction Industry, Moscow, USSR, head of Department of Economics and Investment, 1964-77; Industrial Executive Training Institute, Moscow, adjunct professor, 1970-77; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, research associate and fellow of Russian Research Center, 1979-. Consultant to U.S. Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency. Publications: Investment and Reindustrialization in the Soviet Economy, 1984; Soviet Steel: The Challenge of Industrial Modernization in the U.S.S.R., 1989; Soviet Central Asia: A Tragic Experiment, 1989. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Central Asia in Transition, 1996; Central Asia: The Challenges of Independence, 1998; Central Asia and the New Global Economy, 2000; Central Asia: A Gathering Storm, 2002. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: Russian Research Center, Harvard University, 1737 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. On- line address: [email protected]