Scoville, James Griffin
SCOVILLE, James Griffin
SCOVILLE, James Griffin. American, b. 1940. Genres: Economics, Industrial relations. Career: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, instructor, 1964-65, assistant professor of economics, 1966-69; International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland, economist, 1965-66; University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, associate professor, 1969-75, professor of economics and labor and industrial relations, 1975-79; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, director, industrial relations center, 1979-82, professor of industrial relations, 1979-, director of graduate studies, 1990-97. Publications: The Job Content of the U.S. Economy, 1940-70, 1970; (ed.) Perspectives on Poverty and Income Distribution, 1971; Manpower and Occupational Analysis: Concepts and Measurements, 1972; (ed. with A. Sturmthal and contrib.) The International Labor Movement in Transition, 1973; (ed. and contrib.) Status Influences in Third World Labor Markets: Gender, Caste and Custom, 1991. Address: 1920 S First St #409, Minneapolis, MN 55454, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]