Sergio Lapel's Drawing Blood

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Sergio Lapel's Drawing Blood ★ Drawing Blood 1999

Artist/vampire Diana (Spinella) fulfills her artistic visions with blood instead of oils or watercolors. Her human slave Edmond (Wilson) supplies a constant flow of “models” until he meets homeless prostitute Dee (Smith) and decides to take control of his life. Edmond also has his hands full keeping his everhorny dad (Palatta) out of trouble. The Troma label says it all: non-existent production values, mediocre acting, plenty of flowing red stuff, and ample female exposure (although this time there's a genuine narrative logic to all the nudity). 90m/C DVD . Kirk Wilson, Larry Palatta, Dawn Spinella, Leo Otero, Erin Smith; D: Sergio Lapel; W: Noel Anderson; C: Shawn Lewallen.

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