Thomas, (Antony) Charles
THOMAS, (Antony) Charles
THOMAS, (Antony) Charles. Also writes as Percy Trevelyan. British, b. 1928. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities, History, Language/Linguistics, Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: Professor of Cornish Studies, University of Exeter, 1972-91, and Director, Institute of Cornish Studies, Redruth, 1972-91. Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, 1958-67; Professor of Archaeology, University of Leicester, 1967-72. Editor, Cornish Archaeology, 1961-78; Editor, Cornish Studies, 1973-90. Publications: Christian Antiquities in Camborne, 1967; Britain and Ireland in Early Christian Times, 1971; The Early Christian Archaeology of North Britain, 1971; (with A. Small and D.M. Wilson) St. Ninian's Isle and Its Treasure, 2 vols, 1973; (with D.E. Ivall) Military Insignia of Cornwall, 1974; (as Percy Trevelyan) Mr. Holmes in Cornwall, 1980; Christianity in Roman Britain to A.D. 500, 1981; Exploration of a Drowned Landscape, 1985; Celtic Britain, 1986; Views and Likenesses: Early Photographers in Cornwall and Scilly, 1988; Whithorn's Christian Beginnings, 1992; Tintagel, Arthur and Archaeology, 1993; The Place-names of Causse Mejean, 1994; And Shall These Mute Stones Speak? Post-Roman Inscriptions in Western Britain, 1994; Christian Celts: Messages and Images, 1998; Silent in the Shroud, 1999; Whispering Reeds, the Anglesey Catamanus Inscription Stript Bare: A Detective Story, 2002. EDITOR: Rural Settlement in Roman Britain, 1966; The Iron Age in the Irish Sea Province, 1972. Address: Lambessow, St. Clement, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1TB, England.