Toland, John (Willard)

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TOLAND, John (Willard)

TOLAND, John (Willard). American, b. 1912. Genres: History, Politics/ Government, Biography. Career: Author and historian. Publications: Ships in the Sky, 1957; Battle: The Story of the Bulge, 1959; But Not in Shame 1961; The Dillinger Days, 1963; The Flying Tigers, 1963; The Last 100 Days, 1966; The Story of the Bulge, 1967; The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire 1936-1945, 1970 (Pulitzer Prize); Adolf Hitler, 1976; Hitler: The Pictorial Documentary of His Life, 1977; No Man's Land, 1980; Infamy, 1982; Gods of War (novel), 1985; Occupation (novel), 1987; In Mortal Combat, 1991; Captured by History, 1997. Died 2004.

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