typhoon cyclonic storm in the China seas. XVI. — Chinese tai fung, dial. vars. of ta big, fêng wind. Earlier †tuffoon (XVII), identified in form with †touffon (XVI), †tuffon (XVII) violent storm in India — Pg. tufāo — Hind. (— Arab.) ṭūfān hurricane, tornado, beside which there was a contemp. †typhon (XVI) — L. tȳphōn — Gr. tūphôn, rel. to túphein (see next).
ty·phoon / tīˈfoōn/ • n. a tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans.DERIVATIVES: ty·phon·ic / -ˈfänik/ adj.
Typhoon ★★ Taepung 2006 (R)
Melodramatic action flick, filmed in Korea, Russia, and Thailand, follows North Korean exile Myongsin (Jang), who's plotting to unleash chemical weapons during a typhoon on both South and North Korea. His family was betrayed and murdered while trying to escape the oppressive regime and he wants payback. Kang (Lee) is the military officer who must stop him. Korean with subtitles. 103m/C DVD . KN Dong-Kun Jang, Lee Miyeon, Lee Jungjae; D: Kwak Kyungtaek; W: Kwak Kyungtaek; C: Hong Kyengpyo.
typhoon Name given in the Pacific Ocean to a hurricane, a violent tropical cyclonic storm.
typhoon The name given to a tropical cyclone that forms over the Pacific and China Seas.
typhoon The name given to a tropical cyclone that forms over the Pacific and China Seas.