Vas Dias, Robert

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VAS DIAS, Robert

VAS DIAS, Robert. American (born England), b. 1931. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Lecturer, University of Maryland European Division, 1981-97. Publisher, Permanent Press, 1972-; co-ed., Ninth Decade, 1983-91. Poet-in-residence, Thomas Jefferson College, Grand Valley State Colls., Allendale, MI, 1971-74; general secretary, The Poetry Society, London, 1975-78. Publications: The Counted, 1967; (ed.) Inside Outer Space: New Poems of the Space Age, 1970; The Life of Parts, 1972; Speech Acts and Happenings, 1972; Making Faces, 1976; Ode, 1977; Poems Begining: "The World," 1979; Time Exposures, 1999; Select Things, 2001; The Guts of Shadows, 2003. Address: 5 B, Compton Ave, Canonbury, London N1 2XD, England. Online address: [email protected]

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