View from the Top

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View from the Top ★ 2003 (PG-13)

Does for “stewardess-in-training” films what “Feds” did for the buddy-cop genre. Don't remember that one? Exactly. The problem isn't that it's a bad film, it's that it doesn't know what kind of a bad film to be (romance, comedy, or fish-out-of water success story). Paltrow is small-town girl Donna, who aspires to a more worldly life (as a stewardess). After leaving for the big blue, Donna falls in love with Ted (Ruffalo) then loses him. She finds him again only to lose him for a shot at the big time. Other tedious stew school hijinks are involved. “Showgirls” showed more depth and logic. Only Mike Myers's lampooning saves it from being completely dreadful. 87m/C VHS, DVD . US Gwyneth Paltrow, Christina Applegate, Mark Ruffalo, Candice Bergen, Kelly Preston, Rob Lowe, Joshua Malina, Mike Myers; D: Bruno Barreto; W: Eric Wald; C: Alfonso Beato; M: Theodore Shapiro.

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