Werlock, Abby Holmes P(otter)

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WERLOCK, Abby Holmes P(otter)

WERLOCK, Abby Holmes P(otter). American, b. 1942. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Madeira School, instructor in English, 1968- 69; American University Association, Thailand, instructor in English, 1970; International School of Bangkok, instructor in English, 1970-72; University of Maryland, Far East division, instructor, 1971-72; Columbus International College, Spain, instructor in English and chairperson of department, 1974- 77; National Cathedral School, instructor in English, 1979-84; Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, visiting assistant professor of English, 1984-87; St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, associate professor of English, 1987-98, professor emerita, 1998-; independent scholar and writer, 1998-. American Literature Association (ALA) Symposuim, director, 1994-96. Publications: (with M. Pearlman) Tillie Olsen, 1991; British Women Writing Fiction, 2000; The Facts on File Companion to the American Short Story, 2000; Carol Shields, 2001; The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel, 2004. Work represented in essay collections. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: Fox Run, 154 Fox Run Rd, 1520 St. Olaf Ave, Maines- burg, PA 16932, U.S.A. Online address: werlock@epix.net

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