West Beirut

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West Beirut ★★ West Beyrouth 1998

Muslim teenagers Tarek (Doueiri, the director's younger brother) and Omar (Chamas) and their new friend, the Christian May (Al Amin), live in an apartment complex in Muslim-controlled West Beirut in 1975. The date is significant since Muslim and Christian militias are battling for control of the Lebanese city and, since their school is closed, the teens have little better to do than to explore the forbidden. Arabic with subtitles. 105m/C VHS, DVD . FR Rami Doueiri, Mohamad Chamas, Rola Al Amin, Leila Karam; D: Ziad Doueiri; W: Ziad Doueiri; C: Ricardo Jacques Gale; M: Stewart Copeland.

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