White, Merry (I.)
WHITE, Merry (I.)
WHITE, Merry (I.). American, b. 1941. Genres: Food and Wine, Education, Anthropology/Ethnology, Women's studies and issues, Area studies. Career: Boston University, Boston, MA, professor, 1987-. Harvard University, research associate at Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, 1978-; consultant to educational television, educational reform commissions, and organizations for U.S.-Japan relations. Publications: Cooking for Crowds (cook book); Noodles (cook book); (with R.A. LeVine) Human Conditions, 1986; (with S. Pollak) The Cultural Transition, 1987; The Japanese Educational Challenge, 1987; The Japanese Overseas, 1988; The Material Child: Coming of Age in Japan and America, 1993; (with S. Barnet) Comparing Cultures, 1995. Address: Boston University, Anthropology Dept, 232 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A.