Williams, Jeanne

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WILLIAMS, Jeanne. Also writes as Megan Castell, Jeanne Crecy, Jeanne Foster, Kristin Michaels, Deirdre Rowan, J. R. Williams. American, b. 1930. Genres: Novels, Children's fiction. Career: Writer; Past President, Western Writers of America. Publications: To Buy a Dream, 1958; Promise of Tomorrow, 1959; Coyote Winter, 1965; Beasts with Music, 1967; Oil Patch Partners, 1968; New Medicine, 1971; Trails of Tears, 1972, 1992; Freedom Trail, 1973; Winter Wheat, 1975; A Lady Bought with Rifles, 1977; Voyage to Love, 1978; A Woman Clothed in Sun, 1978; Bride of Thunder, 1978; Daughter of the Sword, 1979; The Valiant Women, 1981; Harvest of Fury, 1982; The Heaven Sword, 1983; A Mating of Hawks, 1984; The Cave Dream- ers, 1985; The Heaven Sword, 1985; So Many Kingdoms, 1986; Texas Pride, 1987; Lady of No Man's Land, 1988; No Roof but Heaven, 1990; Home Mountain, 1990; The Island Harp, 1991; The Longest Road, 1993; Daughter of the Storm, 1994; The Unplowed Sky, 1994; Home Station, 1995; Wind Water, 1997. AS MEGAN CASTELL: The Queen of a Lonely Country, 1980. AS JEANNE CRECY: Hands of Terror (in U.K. as Lady Gift), 1972; The Lightning Tree, 1972; My Face Beneath Stone, 1975; The Winter Keeper, 1975; The Night Hunters, 1975. AS JEANNE FOSTER: Deborah Leigh, 1981; Eden Richards, 1982; Woman of Three Worlds, 1984. AS KRISTIN MICHAELS: To Begin with Love, 1975; Enchanted Twilight, 1975; A Special Kind of Love, 1976; Enchanted Journey, 1977; Song of the Heart, 1977; Make Believe Love, 1978. AS DEIRDRE ROWAN: Dragon's Mount, 1973; Silver Wood, 1974; Shadow of the Volcano, 1975; Time of the Burning Mask, 1976; Ravensgate, 1976. AS J.R. WILLIAMS: Mission in Mexico, 1960; The Horsetalker, 1961; The Confederate Fiddle, 1962; River Guns, 1962; Oh Susanna!, 1963; Tame the Wild Stallion, 1967, 1985. Address: Box 335, Portal, AZ 85632, U.S.A. Online address: www.jeannewilliams.net

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Williams, Jeanne

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