Wolff, Ruth

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WOLFF, Ruth. American, b. 1932. Genres: Plays/Screenplays. Career: Playwright and screenwriter. Publications: PLAYS: The Golem, 1959; Eleanor of Aquitane, 1965; The Fall of Athens, 1966; Folly Cove, 1967; Still Life with Apples, 1968; Arabic Two, 1969; The Abdication, 1971; Eden Again, 1975; Sarah in America, 1981; George and Frederic, 1982; Empress of China, 1984; The Perfect Marriage, 1987; Hallie, 1989; Joshua Slocum: Sailing Alone around the World, 1992; Buffaloes, 1992; Back to Baldpate, 1997; The Waltz, 1998; The Second Mrs. Wilson, 2001; Aviators, 2002. SCREENPLAYS: The Abdication, 1974; The Incredible Sarah, 1976. Contributor to periodicals. Address: c/o Robert Lantz, The Lantz Office, 200 W 57th St Ste 503, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A.

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