Zelinsky, Wilbur
ZELINSKY, Wilbur. American, b. 1921. Genres: Geography, Bibliography. Career: University of Georgia, Athens, assistant professor, 1948-52; University of Wisconsin, Madison, research associate, 1952-54; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, professor, 1959-63; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, professor of geography, 1963-87, emeritus, 1987-. Publications: A Bibliographic Guide to Population Geography, 1962; A Prologue to Population Geography, 1966; The Cultural Geography of the United States, 1973, rev. ed., 1992; Nation into State, 1988; (co-author) The Emergency Evacuation of Cities; Exploring the Beloved Country, 1994; The Enigma of Ethnicity, 2001. CO-EDITOR: A Basic Geographical Library, 1966; Geography and a Crowding World, 1970; This Remarkable Continent, 1982. Address: Dept of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.