Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián

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Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián

Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián, Spanish organist and composer; b. Saragossa (baptized), Aug. 15, 1561; d. there, Dec. 16, 1627. He was organist of Huesca Cathedral (1585–1603), and then at the cathedral of La Seo in Saragossa. Among his extant works are 23 organ pieces, which are particularly notable for their use of medio registro in which each half of the keyboard allows for independent registration. He also publ. the vol. Canticum Beatissimae Virginia deiparae Mariae octo modis seu tonis compositum, quaternisque vocibus, quinis, senis et octonis concionandum (Saragossa, 1618), which contains 36 settings of the Magnificat.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián

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