Denéréaz, Alexandre

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Denéréaz, Alexandre

Denéréaz, Alexandre , Swiss composer and musicologist; b. Lausanne, July 31, 1875; d. there, July 25, 1947. He studied at the Lausanne Cons, with Blanchet and at the Dresden Cons, with Draeseke and Doring. In 1896 he was appointed a prof, at the Lausanne Cons.; also taught musicology at the Univ. of Lausanne. He publ. an original theory of harmony. He wasalso the author, with C. Bourgues, of La Musique et la vie intérieure: Histoire psychologique de I’art musical (appendix entitled L’Arbre généalogique de I’art musical’, 1919). Among his compositions were 3 syms., many symphonic poems, cantatas, Concerto Grosso for Orch. and Organ, string quartets, organ WORKS, andmusic to Rene Morax’s La Dime.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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