Druckman, Jacob
Druckman, Jacob (b Philadelphia, 1928; d Milford, Conn., 1996). Amer. composer. Taught at Juilliard Sch. 1957–72. Dir. Yale Univ. Sch. of Mus. EMS 1971–2. Pulitzer Prize 1972 for Windows, f.p. Chicago SO cond. Maderna. Comp.-in-residence NYPO 1982–6. Works incl. conc. for str. (1951); ballet mus.; 3 str. qts. (1948, 1966, 1981); Valentine, db. solo (1969); The Sound of Time for sop. and orch. (1965); Animus I, II, III, and IV (1966, 1968, 1969, 1977), for instr. and tape; Lamia, sop. and orch. (1974); Chiaroscuro, orch. (1976); Other Voices, brass quintet (1976); va. conc. (1978); Aureole, orch. (1979); Prism, 3 pieces for orch. after Charpentier, Cavalli, and Cherubini (1980); Tromba marina, 4 db. (1981); Athanor, in mem. Vincent Persichetti, winds, brass, perc. (1987).