Finnissy, Michael (Peter)
Finnissy, Michael (Peter) (b Tulse Hill, London, 1946). Eng. composer and pianist. Formed mus. dept. at London Sch. of Contemporary Dance, teaching there 1969–74. Virtuoso pianist who has commissioned works from Lutyens, Weir, Knussen, Osborne, and Skempton. Taught at Univ. of Sussex 1989–90. Works incl.:OPERAS: The Undivine Comedy (1987–8, rev. 1992, prod. Paris 1988); Thérèse Raquin (1992–3).MUSIC THEATRE: Mysteries: 1. The Parting of Darkness from Light, 2 ten., 2 bar., bass. 2. The Earthly Paradise, mez., ten., bass, 2 actors, ens. 3. The Great Flood, ten., 4 actors, 4 actresses, 2 instr., 3 perc. 4. The Prophecy of Daniel, sop., bar., actor, ch., hp., perc. 5. The Parliament of Heaven, 3 sop., mez., ten., 2 actors, 3 ch., children's ch., ens. 6. The Annunciation. 7. The Betrayal and Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. 8. The Deliverance of Souls, 2 sop., mez., 2 ten., 2 bar., bass, 4 ch., children's ch., orch. (1972–9); Bouffe, for a person alone on stage (1975); Vaudeville, mez., bar., 2 mimes, 6 instr., perc. (1983).ORCH.: Song II and IV (1963–9); Song X (1968–75); Offshore (1975–6); Pathways of Sun and Stars (1976); Sea and Sky (1979–80); Red Earth (1988); Eph-phatha (1988–9).INSTR. ENS.: Piece to honour Igor Stravinsky, fl., va., hp. (1971); pf. conc. No.1 (1975), No.2 (1975–6), No.3 (1978), No.7 (1981); Nobody's Jig, str. qt. (1980–1); Australian Sea Shanties II, recorder consort (1983); str. qt. (1984); str. trio (1986); Obrecht Motetten I, 9 instr. (1989), II, mand., gui., hp. (1989), III, 13 instr. (1990), IV, brass quintet (1990), V, 11 wind, db., pf. (1992); Cambridge Codex, fl., vn., vc., 2 bells (1991).
Also choral works; many comps. for vv. and instr. incl. Sir Tristran, sop., cl., pf., vn., va., vc. (1978) and Lay de la Fonteinne, mez., fl., picc., ob., vib. or pf. (1990); comps. for solo instr. incl. Ru Tchou, perc. (1975), Terekemme, cembalo (1981), and Enek, vn. (1990); and pf. pieces.