flamenco Traditional song, dance, and instrumental music, thought to have developed from an amalgam of Romany, Jewish, and Arab cultures in Andalusia, s Spain. Flamenco consists of improvisation within strict rules. There are three types of song, of which the most demanding is cante hondo. The dances epitomize pride, poise, and sensuality. They are accompanied by handclaps, finger-snapping, and rhythmic rolls on the guitar.
fla·men·co / fləˈmengkō/ • n. a style of Spanish music, played esp. on the guitar and accompanied by singing and dancing. ∎ a style of spirited, rhythmical dance performed to such music, often with castanets.
flamenco. Very rhythmical Sp. dance style, particularly Andalusian. See cante flamenco. The ‘flamenco’ style of gui.-playing, rhythmical and improvisatory, is the opposite of the ‘classical’.