Müller, Adolf, Sr. (real name, Matthias Schmid)

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Müller, Adolf, Sr. (real name, Matthias Schmid)

Müller, Adolf, Sr. (real name, Matthias Schmid), Austrian conductor and composer, father of Adolf Müller Jr.; b. Tolna, Oct. 7,1801; d. Vienna, July 29,1886. He was orphaned at an early age and reared by an aunt. He studied with Joseph Rieger, the Brunn Cathedral organist, and with Joseph von Blumenthal in Vienna. After appearances as a singer and actor, he became a prolific composer for the Viennese theater. He was conductor of the Theater an der Wien (1828–78) and also conducted at the Leopoldstadt Theater. He wrote almost 600 scores for the stage, some sacred music, chamber pieces, and about 400 songs.


A. Bauer, Die Musik Adolph M.s in den Theaterstücken Johann Nestroys (diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1935).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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