Neander, Valentin

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Neander, Valentin

Neander, Valentin, (I) German composer and writer on music, father of Valentin Neander (II); b. Treuenbrietzen, near Berlin, c. 1540; d. probably there, c. 1584. He studied at the Gymnasium in the Old Town in Magdeburg (1553–57), where he received instruction in music from Martin Agricola. Following further training at the Univ. of Wittenberg, he returned to Treuenbrietzen as a schoolmaster and later served as town clerk. In addition to his sacred music, he publ. the vol. Elegia de praecipuis artigicibus et laude musices (Wittenberg, 1583).

—Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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