Nešvera, Josef

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Nešvera, Josef

Nešvera, Josef, Czech conductor and composer; b. Praskolesy, near Horovice, Oct. 24, 1842; d. Olomouc, April 12, 1914. He studied with his father, a teacher and organist, and then took courses in piano, organ, and theory with J. Kresjci, J.B. Foerster, and Frantisek Blazek in Prague. He served as music director of the Beroun church (1868–78), Hradec Králové Cathedral (1878–84), and Olomouc Cathedral (1884–1914).


dramatic: opera:Bratránek (The Little Cousin; 1882); Perdita (The Winter’s Tale), after Shakespeare (1892; Prague, May 21, 1897); Lesni vzduch (The Forest Beeze; 1896; Brunn, Jan. 23, 1897); Cernokneznã (The Magician; 1903–05; Brunn, Feb. 7, 1906); Meerweib (1908–10). orch.: Sym.; Violin Concerto. VOCAL: Much sacred music, including Ceské pasije (Czech Passion; 1882); De profundis, oratorio (1890); Job, oratorio (1912); about 25 masses; secular choral works, including the popular Morave (To Moravia) for Men’s Voices; songs. other: Chamber music; piano pieces; organ works.

—Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire

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