Neumann, Werner
Neumann, Werner
Neumann, Werner, respected German musicologist; b. Königstein, Jan. 21, 1905; d. Leipzig, April 24, 1991. He studied piano and theory at the Leipzig Cons., and musicology with Kroyer and Zenck at the Univ. of Leipzig (Ph.D., 1938, with the diss. J. S. Bachs Chorfuge: Ein Beitrag zur Kompositions-Technik Bachs; pubi, in Leipzig, 1938; 2nd ed., 1950), where he also took courses in psychology and philosophy. He taught at the Leipzig Hochschule für Musik; in 1950 he founded the Leipzig Bach Archive, and in 1953 became co-ed, of the Bach-Jahrbuch and the Neue Bach- Ausgabe, retiring in 1973. The vol. Bach-Studien, V (Leipzig, 1975), was pubi, as a Festschrift in his honor.
Handbuch der Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs (Leipzig, 1947; 4th ed., 1971); Auf den Lebenswegen Johann Sebastian Bachs (Berlin, 1953; 4th ed., 1962); Johann Sebastian Bach: Sämtliche Kantatatexte (Leipzig, 1956; 2nd ed., 1967); Bach: Eine Bildbiographie (Munich, 1960; 2nd ed., 1961; Eng. tr., 1961, as Bach and His World; 2nd ed., 1969); ed. with H.-J. Schulze, Schriftstücke von der Hand Johann Sebastian Bachs, Bach-Dokumente, I (Leipzig, 1963); ed. with H.-J. Schulze, Fremdschriftliche und gedruckte Dokument zur Lebensgeschichte Johann Sebastian Bachs 1685–1750, Bach-Dokumente, II (Leipzig, 1969); ed. Bilddokumente zur Lebensgeschichte Johann Sebastian Bachs, Bach- Dokumente, IV (Leipzig, 1978).
—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis Mclntire