Profe, Ambrosius

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Profe, Ambrosius

Profe, Ambrosius , German organist, music editor, and composer; b. Breslau, Feb. 12, 1589; d. there, Dec. 27, 1661. He studied theology at Wittenburg, then was Kantor and schoolmaster in Jauer, Silesia (1617–29). From 1633 to 1649 he was a church organist in Breslau. He ed. important collections of German sacred music: Geistliche Concerte und Harmonien for 1 to 7 Voices (4 vols., 1641–46), Corollarium geistlicher Collectaneorum (a suppl. to the previous vol.; 1649), and a collection of Christmas pieces, Cunis solennibus Jesuli recens-nati sacra genethliaca (1646). He also brought out Heinrich Albert’s Arien (1657).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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