Reaney, Gilbert

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Reaney, Gilbert

Reaney, Gilbert , learned English musicologist; b. Sheffield, Jan. 11, 1924. He took courses in music and French at the Univ. of Sheffield (B.A., 1948; M.A., 1951, with the diss. The Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais Set to Music by Guillaume de Machaut; B.Mus., 1951); also studied at the Sorbonne in Paris on a French government grant (1950–53). He was a research fellow at the univs. of Reading (1953–56) and Birmingham (1956–59), and then a visiting prof. at the Univ. of Hamburg (1959–60); subsequently was assoc. prof. (1960–63) and prof. (from 1963) at the Univ. of Calif, at Los Angeles. He served as asst. ed. of Musica Disciplina (1956–93) and was general ed. of the Corpus Scriptorum de Musica series. His contributions to the latter include: with A. Gilles and J. Maillard, P. de Vüry: Ars nova, VIII (1964); Willemus: Breviarium reguläre musicae; Anon.: Tmctatus de figuris; J. Torkesey: Declaratio trianguli et scuti, XII (1966); with A. Gilles, Anon.: Ars musicae mensurabilis secundum Franconem, XV (1971); with A. Gilles, Franco of Cologne: Ars cantus mensurabilis, XVIII (1974); 3 anonymous 14th-century mensural treatises, XXX (1982); the mensural treatises of John Hothby and Thomas Walsingham, XXXI (1983); with H. Ristory, 4 mainly anonymous mensural treatises of the 13th to 14th centuries, XXXIV (1987). He also ed. Early Fifteenth-Century Music in the Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae series, XI/1–7 (1955–83). Among his other WRITINGS are Ch. Jones, the Saint Nicholas Liturgy and Its Literary Relationships (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1963) and Guillaume de Machaut (London, 1971).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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