Daalder, Hans 1928-
Daalder, Hans 1928-
Born May 4, 1928, in Bergen, Netherlands; son of Dirk Leonardus (a headmaster and writer) and Hendrika Huberdina Daalder; married Annie Pauline Neukircher, August 1, 1952; children: Eric Jan, Ivo Hans, Martine Maud. Education: Attended London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 1954; University of Amsterdam, doctorate, 1960; postdoctoral study at Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley, 1960-61.
Home—Van Tedingerbrouckstraat 28, 2596 PC The Hague, Netherlands. E-mail—h.daalder@ umail.leidenuniv.nl.
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, assistant lecturer in journalism, 1949-50, and assistant lecturer in political science, 1950-54 and 1956-57; Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, assistant lecturer, 1958-60, lecturer, 1960- 61, senior lecturer in political science, 1961-63; University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands, professor of political science, 1963-93, emeritus professor, 1993—. European University Institute, Florence, Italy, head of department of political science, 1976-79; Harvard University, Erasmus Lecturer in Dutch History and Civilization, 1999. Erasmus Prize Committee, past member of board of directors.
European Consortium for Political Research (founding member, 1970; chair, 1976-79; chair of publications committee, 1979-80), Dutch Political Science Association (chair, 1970-75).
British Council scholar, 1954; Rockefeller fellow, 1960-61; Haldane Memorial Silver Medal, Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1962, for the essay "The Haldane Committee and the Cabinet;" Royal Dutch Shell Prize, 1994, for contributions to European political science.
(With D.L. Daalder) Het Onderwijs in de Trekschuit (title means "Education in a Tow Boat"), Scheltema & Holkema (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1959.
Organisatie en Reorganisatie van de Britse Regering, 1914-1958, Van Gorcum (Assen, Netherlands), 1960, translation published as Cabinet Reform in Britain, 1914-1963, Stanford University Press (Stanford, CA), 1963.
The Role of the Military in the Emerging States, Mouton (Gravenhage, Netherlands), 1962.
Leiding en Lijdelijkheid in de Nederlandse Politiek (title means "Elites and Political Apathy in the Netherlands"), Van Gorcum (Assen, Netherlands), 1964.
Politisering en Lijdelijkheid in de Nederlandse Politiek (title means "Politicization and Apathy in Dutch Politics"), Van Gorcum (Assen, Netherlands), 1974.
(Editor, with Edward Shils, and contributor) Universities, Politicians, and Bureaucrats: Europe and America, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1982.
(Editor, with Peter Mair, and contributor) Western European Party Systems: Continuity and Change, Sage Books (London, England), 1983.
(Editor and contributor) Compendium voor Politiek en Samenleving in Nederland (handbook on Dutch politics and society), Samsom/Kluwer (Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands), 1986.
(Editor and contributor) Party Systems of Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Belgium, Frances Pinter (London, England),1987.
(Editor, with Thomson Galen A. Irwin, and contributor)
Politics in the Netherlands: How Much Change?, Frank Cass (London, England), 1989.
Politiek en Historie: Opstellen over de Nederlandse Politiek en Vergelijkende Politieke Wetenschap (title means "Essays on Dutch Politics and Comparative Politics"), Bert Bakker (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1990.
Van Oude en Nieuwe Regenten. Politiek in Nederland (title means "On Rulers Past and Present: Essays on Politics in the Netherlands"), Bert Bakker (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1995.
Universitair Panopticum. Herinneringen van een gewoon hoogleraar (title means "A University Panoptocum: Memories of a Dutch Professor"), Arbeidersperes (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1997.
(Editor and contributor) Comparative European Politics: The Story of a Profession, Francis Pinter (Washington, DC), 1997, revised edition, 1999.
Het Socialisme van Willem Drees (title means "The Socialism of Willem Drees"), Bert Bakker (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2000.
Willem Drees, 1886-1988, Balans (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Volume 2: Gedreven en Behoedzaam. De Jaren 1940-1948 (title means "Driven and Cautious: The Years 1940-1948"), 2003, Volume 3: Viet Jaar Nachtmerrie. De Indonesische Kwestie 1945- 1949 (title means "A Four-Year Nightmare: The Indonesian Question, 1945-1949"), 2004.
Drees en Soestdijk. De Zaak-Hofmans en Andere Crises 1948-1958 (title means "Drees and the Soestdijk Palace, the Hofmans Affair, and Other Crises, 1948-1958"), Balans (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2006.
Contributor to books, including Political Oppositions in Western Democracies, edited by R.A. Dahl, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 1966; Political Parties and Political Development, edited by J. LaPalombara and M. Weiner, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1966; and to symposium volumes. Contributor to political science journals in Europe and the United States.
Some of Daalder's writings have been published in other languages, including Japanese.
Hans Daalder once told CA: "I have been strongly influenced by the German occupation, between 1940 and 1945, and by changes in universities in the 1960s and 1970s, partly in response to radical student movements.
"My greatest asset in professional life has been the post- 1965 internationalization of political science. My major work since retirement is the writing of a multi-volume political biography of Willem Drees."
Daalder, Hans, Universitair Panopticum. Herinneringen van een gewoon hoogleraar, Arbeidersperes (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1997.