Enelow, H(illel Hyman) G(erson) 1877-1934
ENELOW, H(illel Hyman) G(erson) 1877-1934
Born October 26, 1877, in Kovno, Russia (now Lithuania); immigrated to the United States, c. 1893; died of angina pectoris, February 6, 1934, at sea; buried in Chicago, IL; son of Leopold (a tea and tobacco merchant) and Matilda (Marver) Enelow. Education:Attended University of Chicago, 1894-95; University of Cincinnati, B.A., 1897; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, OH, ordained rabbi, 1898.
Rabbi of Reform Jewish congregations in Paducah, KY, 1898-1901, and Louisville, KY, 1901-12; Temple Emanu-El, New York, NY, rabbi, 1912-c. 1933. Federation of Jewish Charities, proponent; Jewish Publication Society of America, member of publication committee, 1914-34; Jewish Welfare Board, general field secretary in France, 1918-19; Central Conference of American Rabbis, president, 1927-29. Kentucky State Conference of Charities and Corrections, president, 1911.
(Editor, and author of introduction) Adolph Moses, Yahvism, and Other Discourses, Louisville Section, Council of Jewish Women (Louisville, KY), 1903.
Aspects of the Bible, [Louisville, KY], 1911.
The Jewish Life: A Series of Sermons, Temple Emanu-El (New York, NY), 1915.
The Synagogue in Modern Life: A Series of Sermons, Temple Emanu-El (New York, NY), 1916.
The Effects of Religion: A Series of Sermons, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1917.
The Faith of Israel: A Guide for Confirmation, Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Cincinnati, OH), 1917.
The Varied Beauty of the Psalms, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1917.
The Allied Countries and the Jews, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1918.
The War and the Bible, Macmillan (New York, NY), 1919.
A Jewish View of Jesus, Macmillan (New York, NY), 1920.
The Adequacy of Judaism, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1920.
The Jew and the World, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1921.
The Diverse Elements of Religion, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1924.
Kaufmann Kohler, [New York, NY], 1926.
(Editor) Kaufmann Kohler, The Origins of the Synagogue and the Church, Macmillan (New York, NY), 1929, reprinted, Arno Press (New York, NY), 1973.
(Editor) Israel ben Joseph Alnakawa, Menorat hama'or, four volumes, [New York, NY], 1929-32.
(Editor) Mishnah Rabbi Eliezer, Bloch Publishing (New York, NY), 1933.
Selected Works of Hyman G. Enelow, four volumes, edited by Félix A. Levy, Kingsport Press (Kingsport, TN), 1935.
Author of "What Do Jews Believe?," Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Cincinnati, OH), 1908; and "Broken Vows: A Kol Nidre Sermon," [Cincinnati, OH], 1926; editor, "Isaac Belinfante, an Eighteenth Century Bibliophile" (poetry), [New York, NY], 1929. Editor, Temple: Jewish Weekly, beginning 1909.
Levy, Félix A., editor, Selected Works of Hyman G. Enelow, Volume 1, Kingsport Press (Kingsport, TN), 1935.
Religious Leaders of America, 2nd edition, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1999.
American Jewish Year Book, 1934-35.
New York Times, February 7, 1934, p. 19; February 8, 1934.*